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                          ......DaS biN icH.......             

JênNiF€r                       Love            

Name: JEnnÜ                                       


Birthday: 6.3.91                           


Best Band:

My chemiCal RomancE,Him,NegAtivE,ärztE,systEm oF a dowN,WiZo,sliPknoT,the rasmUs,DeathStaRs,dTh,GreEn daY.......................un sooooooo vieleeeeeeeeee mehrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............................


SchnuggäliscHö boYs:


es is imMa so die sÜßen boyS sin enTwedEr schwul odA vergeBen..........hehehehehhe





LiêbLiNg$ $cHau$piêleR:

eiN paaR bilDa :(ob sie nun schÖn,lölisch oda dumm sin müsst ihr entscheiDen.......)




BeschreibUng vOn mia:

-Ísch bin immer sehr ernst......>totlach<                                                                  

hab imma den passendeN spRuch in da tascHe                                                      

-denkE wenn isch schon musik höre dann schOn lauT

-biN auf mancHe ziemlisch abGefucKt (wie z.b.s.,TokiO PordeLl,US5.......)

-k.a. was iscH soNst nocH so bin.......hehehehehe...meist gut drauF?????

besTe soNgteXte:

creepInG InsIde-vonNeGative

Her love is too much for my heart,
she burned me out, I felt to
protect myself from her smile;
so divine...
And I`d like to save her but I think
it`s too hard, too hard for her 
and for me                                                     Negative 2006 in Hannover                                                        .

And she makes me feel, my heart
is creeping inside. Together we
can see all incompleteness on a
different way.
She keeps on staring straight and true,
it makes me weak...I felt to protect
myself from her eyes too divine.
And I`d like to save her, but I think
it`s too hard, too hard for her
and for me.

HIM - Killing Loneliness


Memories, Sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
Suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I’m killing loneliness
With the warmth of your arms you save me
I’m killing loneliness with you
I’m killing loneliness that turns my heart into a tomb
I’m killing loneliness

Nailed to a cross together
As solitude begs us to stay
Disappear in the light forever
and we ? the power of death over our souls of secret ????

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I’m killing loneliness
With the warmth of your arms you save me
I’m killing loneliness with you
I’m killing loneliness that turn my heart into a tomb
I’m killing loneliness

I’m killing loneliness
I’m killing loneliness

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I’m killing loneliness
With the warmth of your arms you save me
I’m killing loneliness with you
I’m killing loneliness that turn my heart into a tomb
I’m killing loneliness

     °^NegatiVe^°][-][][][v][°^ärzTe°^WiZo°^MCr°^GreEn dAy°^RaMmsteiN°^S.o.A.d.°


EiNs muSs isCh nocH loS wErDen ;

"NaZis FucK ofF"